Recruit Form – Tokyo 日本語English The recruiting systems between Tokyo, Paris, China and Seoul offices are separated. Please contact the right office you would like to work for directly. Please make sure the requirements/qualifications for your desired position on the recruit page before sending your application. Subject Required Desired Position Required Name (Surname, Given Names) Required Date of BirthRequired Age Required SexRequired Male/男性Female/女性 Nationality (Permanent Residency etc.)Required email addressRequired Phone NumberRequired Educational Background (School Name, Degree, Grade)Required Language Availability (language and the level of speaking and writing)Required Available software and level (please inform the level of skill - eg. advanced, average, low, etc) Required Available Period of WorkingRequired Please send your letter, CV and portfolio as PDF (less than 15MB)Required Other Remarks We prefer hardcopy portfolio than digital ones. However we would not return the application documents to the applicants. Applications without hardcopy/PDF portfolio cannot be considered. (We do not check online portfolio link, CD-R and DVD). We are replying only who passed the documentary screening. The contact person must be the applicant himself / herself. We do not use applicant’s personal information other than the recruitment operation. Since we cannot answer your inquiries about recruitment, please do not call, mail or visit the offices directly. Share