2022.09.14 “Tsumi-Hana” will be released

In collaboration with fashion designer Kunihiko Morinaga from ANREALAGE, we designed a transparent vase.

Although typically a vase is a container for displaying flowers, here the actual petals are enclosed in the vase itself. By inverting the concept of a vase, the petals and the world are connected in a nested structure.

Petals of various colors are scattered into the acrylic by hand at a long-established button factory in Nara Prefecture. The petal-shaped acrylic panels are stacked to form the vase.

The acrylic panels can rotate freely, allowing the shape of the vase to change endlessly depending on how it is used.
It is not only a vase but also a flower, and like a flower, it can dance freely in space.

Link: https://crosset.onward.co.jp/mag/b-1022
Link: https://www.anrealage.com/category/300465?sort=NEW&page=1