Wood - Materiality of Architecture
Kuma: Complete Works 1988-Today
Kengo Kuma: My Life as an Architect in Tokyo
Kengo Kuma: Topograghy
Kengo Kuma 2013-2020
AV Monographs 218-219: Kengo Kuma 2014-2019
Architecture of Defeat
Kengo Kuma Complete Works (2018)
Tenjo no Niwa (Celestial Gardens)
Monograph.it Kengo Kuma
Hiroba (All About "Public Spaces" in Japan)
AV Monographs 167-168 : Kengo Kuma 2000-2014
Kengo Kuma 2006-2012
Studies in Organic Kengo Kuma & Associates
Kengo Kuma Recent Project
Material Immaterial: The New Work of Kengo Kuma
Kengo Kuma: Works and Projects
GA Architect 19 Kengo Kuma
Kengo Kuma: Materials, Structures, Details
Kengo Kuma: Geometries of Nature