The “Food and Agriculture” Museum Tokyo University of Agriculture ©Mitsumasa Fujitsuka
Japan 2004

The “Food and Agriculture” Museum, Tokyo University of Agriculture


This university museum is designed for a new age and is open to local residents. The display space, experimental space and café are organically integrated, fostering natural interaction between people that live in the area and the researchers. The row of Zelkova trees in Baji Equestrian Park in front of the site and museum are joined together by means of vertical louvers made from Ashino stone. Selection of the material was based on the theme of aging. A natural material that beautifully changes color over time (Ashino stone has high absorptivity and a soft texture) was used with the objective of creating “biological architecture” befitting the Tokyo University of Agriculture.

Team Minoru Yokoo, Eishi Sakamoto Construction Toda Corporation Cooperation 佐々木睦朗構造計画研究所 Facility P.T.Morimura & Associates Publication GA JAPAN 68 , Casa BRUTUS 2004/06 vol.51 , Shinkenchiku 2004/05 , Nikkei Architecture 2004/01/26 No.762 Photography ©︎ Mitsumasa Fujitsuka