©Mitsumasa Fujitsuka

Japan 1998Kitakami Canal Museum

2F / 1BF

This museum was embedded into the bank of the Kitagami River with the objective of achieving harmony with the environment. It consists of an attempt to restore the beautiful natural environment along the river with architecture instead of disrupting it. Rather than simply embed a concrete box underground, the design strives to seamlessly integrate display space and pedestrian space by having the above ground promenade along the river continue into the museum.

New communication space for the region was created by providing a plaza and glass enclosed foyer that face the river. This gave birth to new public space for children on the way home from school and senior citizens, bringing the city closer to the riverfront area. Containing no models or panels in the tunnel-shaped underground space, this museum uses computer games that consist of an interface popular with children. This structure represents a clear embodiment of our concept of negating boxes which are cut off from the environment, which we call “Anti Object”.

Construction Hisinaka Kensetsu Cooperation Shigeru Aoki Labo Facility Kawaguchi Setsubi Illumination Matsushita Electric Works Award Grand Prize, Inter Intra Space Design Selection ’99 Publication JA : The Japan Architect 2000/Summer 38 kengo kuma 隈研吾 , Shinkenchiku 2000/06 , JA : The Japan Architect 2000/Winter 36 1999YEARBOOK , DETAIL 143 2000/01 , Shinkenchiku 1999/12 , GA JAPAN 41 , Shinkenchiku 1999/11/01 , Shinkenchiku 1999/10 , Shinkenchiku 1999/09 , GA JAPAN 40 , Nikkei Architecture 1999/08/23 No.647 , Shinkenchiku 1997/06 Photography ©︎ Mitsumasa Fujitsuka