© Kengo Kuma & Associates

Pandawa Art Center

On Going

Located on the top of the most privileged Pandawa area, in the very south of Bukit Peninsula in Bali, New Art Center sits on the limestone rock, with Ocean view from the top, Two gently curved Art Pavilions follow the hill with the objective of achieving harmony with the environment. It consists of an attempt to emphasize the beauty of environment, as natural stage for art display and performance activities.

Our attempt is to create new kind of Museum, where the art works outside and inside are closely connected. The design strives to seamlessly integrate interior exhibition space with outdoor Art Garden, as an extension of indoor art platform and vice versa. Created relationship between both organic pavilions: smaller Art Collection with darker interior ambience and bigger Program Collection filled by natural light might remind tangible duality as manifestation symbolized by Yin&Yang philosophy,Large scale water feature along smaller pavilion is a tribute to local architecture that refers to famous “Bale Kambang” (Balinese floating palaces), Green roof becomes part of the landscape due to gentle inclination that helps vegetation to climb up to the top, The very top of the hill will create major art stage with adjacent outdoor amphitheater, Art Performances will be accompanied by sunset, visible also from café/restaurant and outdoor gathering platforms.

Team Marcin Sapeta, Wuijoon Ha