Toshima Ecomusee Town
Japan 2015

Toshima Ward Office (Toshima Ecomusee Town)

Office | Residential | Retail/Cafe/Restaurant
49F / 3BF

The building is a new type of complex that accommodates Toshima City Office, an apartment house and a vertically-extended garden.
We aimed at architecture like a single giant tree. Leaves are our “atoms” here to softly cover the building. We named them Eco Veil, which consists of solar power panel, recycled wooden louver and greening panel.
Like the concept of the entire building, the vertical garden “Toshima no Mori (Forest of Toshima)” is also an “open” facility to the public, and it revives the town’s vegetation to connect its people and nature, where even a little stream runs through. The forest also plays the role of an oasis at the center of the city, and a site for children’s nature study.

Team Takumi Saikawa* Construction Taisei Corporation Cooperation Nihon Sekkei Facility Nihon Sekkei Exterior Landscape Plus Illumination ALG-Architectural Lighting Group Others TERADA Design Award The 58th Building Contractors Society (BCS) Prize (Toshima Ward Office (Toshima Ecomusee Town)), 日本都市計画学会計画設計賞, 第15回 屋上・壁面・特殊緑化技術コンクール 日本経済新聞社賞 壁面・特殊緑化部門, 第15回 屋上・壁面・特殊緑化技術コンクール 環境大臣賞 屋上緑化部門, Good Design Award 2015 Publication GA JAPAN 151 , DETAIL 2015/07 No.205 , Nikkei Architecture 2015/06/10 No.1049 , Shinkenchiku 2015/06 別冊・東京150プロジェクト 多様な都市マネジメント , Shinkenchiku 2015/05 , Nikkei Architecture 2014/01/25 , Nikkei Architecture 2013/08/10 No.1011 , Nikkei Architecture 2010/06/14 No.927 , Shinkenchiku 2010/06 Photography ©︎ Kawasumi-Kobayashi Kenji Photograph Office