Mehrin Moravian Jewish Museum
Czech 2022

Mehrin Moravian Jewish Museum

Residential | Retail/Cafe/Restaurant | Gallery/Museum/Cultural
On Going

Construction to be completed in 2028

In the heart of Moravia, in the heart of Brno, and in the heart of the MERHIN Museum, there is a necessity : telling the story of the lost ones. LET THEIR MEMORY BE WOVEN INTO THE THREAD OF THE LIVING.
«Generation» is called DOR in Hebrew, which literally means «the art of weaving basket». Each woven row clings to the previous one and allows the next one to
grow stronger.
These stories create bridges between times and generations, between those who have been and those who will be. Like the rows of a basket. Hebrew poetry uses this image. The generations are always woven together like the threads of a basket, and this museum pays tribute to it.
Based on the textile industrial history initiated by the families of Jewish weavers, who fully participated in the development of the city of Brno, the building takes
up its codes, and through a subtle play of bricks evokes warp and weft weaving.
The skin of the building was conceived as a precious object. As a simple but elegant woven fabric, the museum becomes a landmark undulating in the opened urban context of the ring.

Team Elise Fauquembergue, Jordi Vinals, Bianca Sibilla Construction AED Project Cooperation Nemec Polak Facility Stantec Accumulation MH Cost Exterior Sminova Publication GA DOCUMENT INTERNATIONA 2023 163