Nagaoka City Hall Aore © by FUJITSUKA Mitsumasa
Japan 2012

Nagaoka City Hall Aore

Auditorium | Civic
4F / 1BF

With the growth of cities and their scale, public buildings of 20th Century were likely to be driven away to the suburbs, often as isolated concrete boxes in parking lots. We wanted to reverse this flow with Nagaoka Aore. We moved the city hall back to the center of the town and revived a real “heart of town,” which is located in a walking distance from anywhere, working along with people’s everyday life. This is exactly like the city hall historically nurtured in Europe, and embodies the idea of compact city in the environment-oriented age. We adopted the traditional method of “tataki,” and “nakadoma,” which is to function as a meeting point for the community, is no longer the mere concrete box – the space is gently surrounded by placid structure, finished with wood and solar panels.

Team Minoru Yokoo, Shuji Achiha, Takashi Taguchi, Toshiki Meijo, Suguru Watanabe, Tessei Suma* Cooperation Ejiri Structural Engineers Facility P.T.Morimura & Associates Exterior PLACEMEDIA, Landscape Architects Collaborative Award The 15th Public Buildings Award of Excellence (Administrative Facilities) (Nagaoka City Hall Aore), The 55th Building Contractors Society (BCS) Prize (Nagaoka City Hall Aore), The Prize of Architecture Institute Of Japan 2014, 2013年 第14回 日本免震構造協会賞 作品賞, 2013年度 第12回 バリアフリー・ユニバーサルデザイン推進功労者 内閣府特命担当大臣奨励賞, Good Design Award 2012 (Nagaoka City Hall Aore), 第4回 JABMEE 環境設備優秀賞, 第25回 日経ニューオフィス賞 地域ブロック別ニューオフィス奨励賞, 2012年 照明普及賞 Publication Nikkei Architecture 2014/01/25 No.1016 , GA JAPAN 125 , Shinkenchiku 2013/10 別冊 PROPOSE TO THE FUTURE佐藤総合計画──コンペ・プロポーザルで時代に提案する , Nikkei Architecture 2013/08/10 , JA : The Japan Architect 2013/Winter 88, YEARBOOK 2012 , Shinkenchiku 2012/12 , DETAIL 2012/10 No.194 , Shinkenchiku 2012/08 , Shinkenchiku 2012/08 , Shinkenchiku 2012/08 , Shinkenchiku 2012/08 , GA JAPAN 117 , Shinkenchiku 2012/07 , GA JAPAN 113 , Nikkei Architecture 2011/01/25 No.944 , GA JAPAN 106 , Nikkei Architecture 2009/06/22 , GA JAPAN 95 , GA JAPAN 93 , GA JAPAN 90 Photography ©︎ Mitsumasa Fujitsuka