Nagasaki Prefecture Art Museum
Japan 2005

Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum


I decided that I wanted to link two sites separated by the canal in the middle into one art museum that has display space open to the canal, integrating the water, canal and nature with the art inside. The roof is covered with grass, making it another “green museum”.

Construction Taisei Corporation Cooperation Nihon Sekkei Facility Nihon Sekkei Accumulation Nihon Sekkei Exterior Nihon Sekkei Illumination ALG-Architectural Lighting Group Award 2009年度 建築九州賞 作品賞(一般建築部門), 2007 Annual Architecture Design Commendation of the Architectural Institute of Japan, The 14th CS Design Awards 2006 SIGN CATEGORY GOLD AWARD, JIA Award, The 47th Building Contractors Society (BCS) Prize, The 21st Marble Architecture Award: East Asia External Facings 1st prize, 2005, Good Design Award 2005 (Nagasaki Prefectural Art Museum) Publication Casa BRUTUS 2020/11 vol.247 , Casa BRUTUS 2020/11 vol.247 , Casa BRUTUS 2012/09 Vol.150 , Shinkenchiku 2007/04 , Shinkenchiku 2007/04 , Shinkenchiku 2006/11 , Shinkenchiku 2006/09 , Nikkei Architecture 2006/3/20 No.818 , Casa BRUTUS 2006/03 Vol.72 , Casa BRUTUS 2006/01 Vol.70 , Kindai Kenchiku 2005/07 Vol.59 , Nikkei Architecture 2005/05/30 No.797 , Nikkei Architecture 2005/05/30 No.797 , Shinkenchiku 2005/05 , GA JAPAN 2005/05-06 74 , Shinkenchiku 2005/05 , Shinkenchiku 2005/05 , Casa BRUTUS 2005/05 vol.62