Singapore Founders’ Memorial

Singapore Founders’ Memorial

店舗/飲食 | 文化施設

The submission by Kengo Kuma & Associates in collaboration with K2LD Architects has been selected as the winner of the international architectural design competition for the Founders’ Memorial. The competition, launched in January 2019, attracted a strong response of 193 submissions from local and foreign firms.

The design concept originates from the idea of a path, a journey tracing the legacy of Singapore’s founding leaders to honor the past and to inspire the present and future. The design aims to be a living memorial, owned by each new generation of Singaporeans, with spaces for the celebration of milestone events and slopes that can be ascended, with a vision to the future the changing skyline of Singapore.

More than a singular building, we envision a garden: a place for all to gather close to nature. The Founders’ Path, as a central spine, defines the new topography with memorial slopes emerging from the landscape. Multiple paths and canopies extend into the garden, creating a seamless journey that invites visitors to reflect, learn and share while contemplating amidst the lush surroundings.

“The Founders’ Memorial, a new kind of monument.”

Lead Architect: KKAA
Project Architect: K2LD Architects

National Heritage Board

チーム アンドレ モレイラ トパ リタ、チョン ロメオ、ポンピリ アンドレア*、ブル ゴロバルト エウジェニ*、ベリニ ファビオ*、キム ビョンハ、陈 威铭*、平山 貴大*、Liang Zhang、シャツセ フィリップ、クエニ ナディア*、ぺライン コビー ワーカー、クレメント ケビン、スエード アントワーヌ*、オン ヨンシアン*、カルガルツェワ ナタリア、ブルース ダニエル*、パルディ二 トマソ*、ライカ―トザカリ―デビットジョーンズ、アコスタ ロジャー 構造 ビューロハッポルド、Web Structures 積算 CPG 照明 LPA – Lighting Planners Associates 協力事務所 K2LD Architects パブリケーション GA DOCUMENT 154 International 2020