© Kengo Kuma Associates


インフラ | ランドスケープ

Located in the forests of Southern Germany, at the confluence of two historically important rivers, the circular design of this bridge heightens the connection to its surroundings, providing a sensorial experience of the forest, the water, and the public. The structure, composed of locally sourced timber planks that are laminated together, is integrated into a gesture that adapts to pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular flows. The layers of this assembly extend to become an amphitheater-like set of steps that merge with the landscape, terracing down to the water’s edge. The landscape includes a small park that blends Japanese and German gardening traditions, while the railing, composed of mirrored steel and roughly hewn wood planks, reflects the regions’ historical timber culture.

チーム 眞田 アンテオ太郎、クレメント ケビン、ぺライン コビー ワーカー、シューラ ヘレーネ、ブートルー ヴィクトリア、伍 梓銘、ポベダ ウゴ、新田 ベン 構造 Knippershelbig