Tobata C Block Project©Kouji Okamoto
Japan 2007

Tobata C Block Project


A multi-purpose complex facility made up of a ward office, welfare institution, housing complex, and nursery school.

The rooftop of the ward office, an urban block core, would be planted with greenery to form a plaza that would help all the different facilities to integrate together. Not only the plaza itself was designed as one organic topography, but the buildings standing in the plaza were also designed as similar “topography” through heavy use of curved surfaces and natural materials.

Team Teppei Fujiwara*, Tsuyoshi Kanda* Exterior PLACEMEDIA, Landscape Architects Collaborative Award 2008年都市住宅学会賞・業績賞, 第12回 福岡県美しいまちづくり建築賞 優秀賞 Publication Kindai Kenchiku 2009/07 Vol.63 , Nikkei Architecture 2008/03/17 no.870 , Shinkenchiku 2007/11 , Shinkenchiku 2007/11 , Nikkei Architecture 2007/10/08 No.859 , Shinkenchiku 2007/10 Photography ©︎ Kouji Okamoto