Progetto Manifattura


オフィス | 店舗/飲食

Progetto Manifattura is the transformation of a historic tobacco facility into a hub for business, innovation, and research in green building, renewable energy, and environmental technology.
The perception of Manifattura from the mountains, viewed from top to bottom, is crucial. Instead of creating a vertical landmark, we propose a horizontal one that merges seamlessly into the landscape. The directionality of the green roof aligns with the linearity of the surrounding vineyards, forming a green roofscape that covers the production spaces below and harmonizes the new buildings with nature.
This approach aims to reconnect Manifattura with the city, providing accessible green space through gradual level changes and green slopes.

チーム 池口 由紀、ムッチオラ マウリッィオ*、ピッチネッリ マリアキアラ*、ハイメ フェルナンデス カルバチェ、李 承俊、眞田 アンテオ太郎、Miguel Huelga De La Fuente*、Roberto Aparicio Ronda* パブリケーション GA DOCUMENT 121