© Masaki Hamada (kkpo)

Japan 2018Zuisho-Ji Temple


Zuisho-ji Temple (Minato-ku, Tokyo) is the first temple in Tokyo of the Obaku Sect, one of the Zen Buddhist schools brought to Japan by the Priest Ingen during the Edo Period. In this project, we rebuilt the priests’ quarters within the temple.

Designated as jūyō bunkazai or Tangible Cultural Property, close attention was paid to the axis extending from the temple’s repository. We developed a design to reflect the arrangement of Chinese temples which highlight orientation and depth.

We placed a U-shaped cloister on the south side of the axis so that the temple could be more accessible to the community. At the center of the courtyard is a water pool with a raised stage to encourage people to hold events and performances for the community.

The building is supported by a combination steel and wooden frame. The wooden joists and louvers on the exterior resonate with each other and create a geometric pattern that highlights the uniqueness of Obaku Sect.

Team Minoru Yokoo, Tomoyuki Yokoi*, Kimio Suzuki, Yuzuru Kamiya Construction Matsui Construction Cooperation Ohno Japan Facility P.T.Morimura & Associates Illumination Modulex Publication Casa BRUTUS 2024/06 vol.290 , Casa BRUTUS 2021/01 vol.249 , GA JAPAN 157 , GA JAPAN 156 , GA JAPAN 147 , GA HOUSES 151 Photography ©︎ Masaki Hamada / Kkpo